Jennifer Jolley is a composer and sound artist influenced by urban environments and nostalgia. She is the co-founder of North American New Opera Workshop (NANOWorks Opera), a chamber opera company devoted to developing and staging short contemporary operas by emerging North American composers, and also authors Why Composer When You Can Blog? A web log about contemporary composing. She has been commissioned by ensembles and institutions across the United States, including the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, University of Texas at Austin, Bowling Green State University, Quince Contemporary Vocal Ensemble, The Canales Project, among others. Originally from Los Angeles, Jolley is an Assistant Professor of Music at Ohio Wesleyan University. She earned her D.M.A. and M.M. at the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music and her B.M. at the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music. She teaches various music composition courses including computer music programming and sound art.